Other Göteborg events

Brain & artificial inteligence

Past event - 2024
Wed 15 May Doors open 6pm
Event 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Pitcher's Majorna, Karl Johansgatan 92 414 55 Göteborg
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Rewiring the brain: how learning new skills changes our brain

Gaia Olivo (Assistant professor Gothenburg University)
The brain is capable of constantly learning new skills, such as playing instruments, or performing surgery. This extraordinary feat reflects the capacity of our brains to reorganize their structure and circuits in response to new demands or changes in the environment. Breaking the code to understand how brain plasticity works can help us address the vulnerability of our brains to aging, damage, and neurodegeneration.

Living with More than One Language – The Effects of Bilingualism on Mind and Brain

Toms Voits (Postdoctoral researcher Gothenburg University)
This talk will introduce the ways in which two or more languages co-habit within a single mind, how processing allows languages to compete and co-operate, and the much-debated effects of bilingualism on mind and brain. We will also examine some of the complexities that need to be unpicked in order to understand relationships between aging, cognitive health and language.

Yes, AI can do that but… should it?

Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel (Postdoctoral researcher Chalmers / GU)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) does many things very well. In fact, AI is often better and faster than we (humans) are. However, AI can also mess up real good and we (humans) are specialists at finding very creative ways to make things worse. I have some human-AI collaboration anecdotes which might shed light on what our future might look like.

Coding for life: computers and biology

Ivan Domenzain (Postdoctoral researcher Chalmers University of Technology)
Why are computers needed to understand life? Challenging the “one gene - one characteristic” explanation in biology.
Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.

Other Pitcher's Majorna events

2024-05-14 From the hive to the galaxy Pitcher's Majorna Karl Johansgatan 92 414 55 Göteborg, Sweden
14 May
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From the hive to the galaxy

milky way galaxy with stars at night sky and unive 2023 11 27 04 51 51 utc