Past event - 2024
15 May Doors open 5.30pm
Event 6pm to 8pm
Rex, Rådhustorget 1 90326 Umeå

1+1=1, mathematical models and the forging of new kinds of organism

Lucas Santana Souza (Postdoctoral researcher)
Adriano Bonforti (Postdoctoral researcher)
Josephine Solowiej Wedderburn (Postdoctoral researcher)
What happens when one organism enters another? Do they remain separate: 1+1=2; does it mean the end of both of them: 1+1=0, or can they form a new stable organism: 1+1=1? This intimate relationship with one organism living inside another is known as endosymbiosis. It is a cornerstone of life as we know it. Examples include mitochondria that generate most of the energy in our cells, chloroplasts which enable photosynthesis in plants and zooxanthellae–the algae within tropical corals which perform photosynthesis, providing corals with energy and many of their unique and characteristic colours. Many of the mysteries surrounding endosymbiosis are difficult to tackle with field exploration and experiments alone, so we explore where mathematical models can come in and complement empirical research.

Mixing life on Earth: humans are erasing biodiversity differences between continents

Rubén Bernardo Madrid (Postdoctoral researcher)
Thinking about the characteristics of animals and plants on each continent might seem straightforward at first glance. Their geographical distributions offer a fascinating glimpse into how life on Earth has evolved up to the present. However, within just a blink of geological time, humans have altered habitats, changed climates, and introduced species across the globe. It’s almost as if Earth's biodiversity has been tossed into a blender, with us at the controls, reshaping life itself. This upheaval blurs the signals that tell the story of life and changes its fate. In this talk, I'll show you some of the most significant impacts, including the disappearing distinctions between the New and Old Worlds.
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